IR Policy

  • At the Group, we conduct fair and transparent information disclosure and communication in a timely and appropriate manner in order to maintain and develop a trusting relationship with all our stakeholders. Our aim is to achieve our vision, “We are a retail group centered on extraordinary department stores working toward improving the lives of our customers.”

  • Standards for Information Disclosure
    As well as disclosure of information in line with laws related to financial products and the regulations of stock exchanges where our shares are listed, we ensure we disclose important information that could impact investment decisions in a timely and appropriate manner. We also proactively disclose information useful for our stakeholders to deepen their understanding of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd.

  • Disclosure Methods
    In addition to disclosing information subject to timely disclosure through the Timely Disclosure network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, we work to disclose information through appropriate methods, such as posting information on the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ NETwork (EDINET), which is administered by the Financial Services Agency, our website, press releases, Integrated Reports, and shareholder newsletters, depending on the nature of information. In doing so, we work to ensure fairness in information disclosure by complying with the Fair Disclosure Rules based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

  • Enriching Communication
    We take proactive measures to enrich communication with shareholders and investors by holding direct dialogue such as conferences and responding to day-to-day inquiries, in addition to appropriate information disclosure. We also share opinions received from shareholders and investors widely throughout the Group and work toward making use of these in our business activities to improve corporate value.

  • Spokespersons in IR Activities
    In order to ensure the accuracy of information and fairness of disclosure, we conduct IR activities, in principle, with the CEO, CFO, executives in charge, General Manager of the IR Department, and IR personnel as spokespersons. Directors including Outside Directors and other employees also serve as spokespersons as necessary.

  • Silent Period
    Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. adheres to silent periods to prevent leakage of information on financial results and ensure fairness in information disclosure. During these periods, we refrain from externally commenting on financial results, earnings forecasts, and other information related to financial closing. If there is a fact subject to timely disclosure during these periods, however, we will disclose the fact in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.

  • Future Forecasts
    The information we disclose may include forward-looking statements regarding future business results. This information does not guarantee future performance and is subject to various risks and uncertainties. Therefore, actual business results may differ from forecasts due to changes in economic conditions and market trends.

Effective on May 30, 2017

Amended on April 1, 2024