Frequently Asked Questions

1. About the Company

Q When was the company established?

A Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd. was established on April 1, 2008. For particulars about the company following consolidation, please see History of the Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings(2008-)
For the history of IsetanMitsukoshi Group. please see here.

Q Please tell us about your main businesses.

ARegarding the main businesses of Isetan Mitsukoshi Group, please see the "Description of Business" page.

Q How many employees do you have?

A As of March 2022, we had approximately 17,200 employees.

Q What kinds of companies are included in your consolidated subsidiaries?

A For particulars regarding our consolidated subsidiaries, please see the "Description of Business: Group Companies and Businesses" page.

2. About Financial Position and Performance

Q Please advise your fiscal year and scheduled financial results announcements.

AThe Isetan Mitsukoshi group fiscal year ends on March 31. Please refer to the investor relations calendar on our IR Calendar page for details of scheduled financial results announcements.

QWhat can I do to understand information on your financial performance?  

AYou can refer to the disclosure materials we publish in financial information on our Finacial Review page after we announce financial results.

Q Can I obtain your past financial data?  

AYou can obtain this from our Finacial Review page.

QHow can I obtain a copy of your annual report?

AYou can obtain this from our Integrated Report page.

3. About Shares

▪ Basic information

Q Where can I find your stock price information? What is the present price?

APlease see our Stock Price Information.

Q How many shares are in one stock trading unit?

AIt is 100 shares. For particulars, please see our Equity Situation.

QWhat is your securities code?

AIt is 3099. For particulars, please see our Equity Situation.

Q What securities exchanges are your shares listed on?

APrime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. For particulars, please see our Equity Situation.

Q What is the total number of shares issued?

APlease refer to Equity Situation.

Q Who is the transfer agent and registrar for shareholders?

AIt is the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. For specifics on the various procedures, please look here.

▪ Dividends

Q What are the dividend record dates?

AThe rights record date for year-end dividends is March 31, and for interim dividends it is September 30
This is applicable to shareholders or shareholder pledgees who are recorded or registered in the final list of shareholders as of March 31 and September 30.
* The preceding three business days that include the last day of March and September will be the last days with rights. For particulars, please check with the securities firm that handles your transactions.

Q How much is the dividend payment?

APlease refer to Dividends.

Q What ways of receiving dividends are there?

AThe different ways for receiving dividends are shown below.
(1) By means of the Dividend Receipt that is sent from Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings. (Please receive payment at JP Bank or at a Japan Post counter.)
(2) By means of direct deposit to a bank deposit account.
(3) By means of receipt in a securities trading account.
If no method is specified, then you will receive payment by means of the Dividend Receipt in item (1). Regarding changes to the method of receipt, please inquire at the securities firm that handles your transactions or other such institution.

Q What procedure is followed when we want to change the method of receiving dividends?

AFor the procedure to change the method of receiving dividends, please inquire at the securities firm or other such institution where you have an account.

Q What should we do when the period for receiving dividends has passed?

ARegarding the receipt of payment of dividends past the payment date, please inquire at the Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, which is the transfer agent and registrar for shareholders.

▪ Others

Q What should we do to become shareholders? Where do we buy shares?

AYou can establish an account for yourself at a securities firm, and after depositing the necessary payment, you can buy shares through the securities firm.
 * The purchase of shares and other such procedures are not handled over the counter at Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings or at Isetan Mitsukoshi Group department stores.
 * Please use your own judgement when purchasing shares.

Q What benefits are there to becoming a shareholder?

A(1) Shareholders can participate in the ordinary general meeting of shareholders of Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd., which is held in the last third of June every year.
Shareholders who own one stock trading unit (100 shares) or more can exercise their right to vote.
(2) Shareholders can receive dividends.
(3) Shareholders who own one stock trading unit (100 shares) or more can receive benefits under a special benefit plan for shareholders.

4. About the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Q When is the ordinary general meeting of shareholders held?

AIt is held every year on a date during the middle third to the last third of June. For particulars, please see the Information on the General Meeting of Shareholders.
A Notice of the Convocation of the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders that gives particulars regarding the meeting will be sent to shareholders during the middle third to the last third of May. Particulars can also be seen here.

Q Are any documents necessary for us to participate in the general meeting of shareholders?

APlease bring with you the Voting Rights Exercise Form that was included with the Notice of Convocation and present it at the meeting venue reception desk.

Q There is a postcard marked "Voting Rights Exercise Form" included with the Notice of Convocation. What is it?

AThis is a form that shareholders use to vote on the proposals presented at the general meeting of shareholders. Voting rights can be exercised by shareholders who own at least one stock trading unit.

Q How can we exercise our voting rights?

A[When attending the general meeting of shareholders] Please present your Voting Rights Exercise Form at the meeting venue reception desk.
[When not attending the general meeting of shareholders] Please exercise your voting rights (1) by mail or (2) by internet.

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