Accessibility Policy

Accessibility refers to the concept of enabling all users including senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and persons with temporary disabilities to use resources in the same manner.
The Company strives to ensure and improve the accessibility of the information and services provided on this website in order to maximize the number of people who can use it in a trouble-free manner, regardless of age, physical restriction, use environment, and so on.

Structure and Display Styles

  • Use appropriate document structures and descriptions.

  • Comply with the W3C standards in specifications and grammar.

  • Ensure that the entire screen or a part of the screen does not flash at a rapid rate.

  • Use shared navigation to allow skipping over sections of text.

  • Use individual page titles that facilitate understanding of the content by users.

  • Make links and buttons easy to identify and operate.

  • Indicate the data size of links to elements that take a long time to process such as PDF documents and applications.

  • Place content information for inquiries from users on pages in a highly visible location.

  • Do not move individual pages or create new pages without providing prior notice.

  • For data that requires plug-ins, indicate the plug-in banner of each type required and provide links to sites where the plug-ins can be downloaded.

  • Provide clear and simple explanations and additional information so that all users can understand the content and operate the website.

Titles and Navigation

  • Adopt uniform text used in menus throughout the site.

  • Give each page an appropriate title that makes the content easy to predict. Also, exercise care regarding the use of duplicated titles.

  • Use uniform header and footer content on each page and create easy-to-understand page structures.

  • Place uniform and necessary menus on each page.

  • Select appropriate text for the headings, form labels, and so on used on each page and use statements that are easy for users to understand.

  • Make links, buttons, and so on within pages easy to identify and use standard sizes and layouts that are easy to operate.

  • Provide multiple access routes so that users can access pages through multiple means.

  • Create mechanisms that enable users to skip repeated navigation and access key content.


  • Make it possible for users to control the volume of sounds and to turn sounds on or off.

  • Do not automatically reproduce sounds.

  • Use descriptions that give consideration to reading by voice browsers.

Text and Language

  • Avoid the use of abbreviations, specialized terminology, buzzwords, and slang as much as possible and provide explanations where necessary.

  • Specify easy-to-read font sizes and styles.

  • Specify easy-to-read text sizes.

  • Do not insert spaces or line breaks in words.

Non-Text Information

  • Attach alternate text information to images.

  • For linked images, provide alternative information that enables the content of the link to be predicted using <Alt characteristic>.

  • When using images or text that changes or moves, pay attention to the speed and changes in color, saturation, and so on.


  • Make link text and buttons sufficiently large and wide.

  • Provide adequate space between links to prevent incorrect operation by users.

  • Display text links as underlined or change the color from normal text during mouse-over to make it obvious that the text is a link.

  • For alternate information set in links and link buttons, set information so that the information of the link destination and the function of the button can be understood.

  • Use a standard icon to indicate where a new window is opened and where the browser shifts to a different site.

  • Place a new-window icon to notify users where a new window is opened.